Certified Advanced Rolfer® Cranio Sacral Practitioner Somatic Experiencing® Practitioner
The Gesture of Traumatic Response Envisioning Trauma with a Rolfer's Eye
Part 1: May 18-20, 2018
Part 2: September 14-16, 2018
Cost: $475 per part
3 RISI elective credits per part
To Register:
Contact Instructor
Kristen Kuester
505 989-7529 kuester@cybermesa.com
Location: Santa Fe, NM 87501
Through this course I will present a unique way of envisioning and experiencing how a gesture, in a moment of perceived life-threat, remains present in the myofascial net and how each unresolved cringe, collapse, crash, flail, or failure-to-defend is notated in that net. We will explore how multiple traumatic episodes overlay like moire patterns through tissue. We will learn the art of intuiting and disentangling these energetic/neuro-muscular patterns using touch and concise verbal cueing.
The workshop will include lecture, visual and sensory illustrations, discussion, hands-on table work, and movement experience to embody concepts presented. Handouts will provide clear, practical guidelines for clinical application of course material. Techniques presented will easily integrate into Structural Integration sessions. Concepts will stimulate inventive treatment procedures.
Providing knowledge of, and clinical protocol for:
Physiology of trauma and its relation to Rolf work.
Language appropriate to create safety, containment, and resource.
Recognition / tracking of hyper-arousal in the body, allowing gentle discharge w/o reenactment.
Re-establishment of sensory and orienting responses.
Ability to “hold neutral” for the client, to support homeostasis.
Ability to imagine the 3-D movement of an accident to identify the gesture.
Methods to find GRAVITY as a resource within an unresolved traumatic gesture, releasing deep musculature and providing a direct relation to traditional Rolf Structural Integration.
Note: Part 1 will be at the introductory level; Part 2 will be at the intermediate level.
Kristen Kuester is a Certified Advanced Rolfer, Somatic Experiencing* Practitioner, Cranio-sacral Practitioner and body/mind educator practicing in Santa Fe, NM for thirty years. Kristen is an approved provider for this course.
"My interest is in sharing with other bodywork professionals a set of combined techniques I have honed with clients. I find the challenge of using language to cue sensation and track physiology, while still operating out of a bodywork scope of practice, a fascinating art worthy of the kind of exploration that only the crucible of a classroom can bring."
Contact Person:Kristen Kuester
Phone: (505) 989-7529